- Åsmund Svensson
- Eilif Svensson
- Gjermund Bohne
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 10+
- EN
- 20 min.
- 7090057170057
- Chilifox Games AS
- Space Parks
- 2024-09-27
- 260 x 260 x 55 mm
- 1.230 kg
- 6.0
- 28.00 x 38.00 x 28.00 cm
- in September 2024
- Tile Placement
- Dice Rolling
- Open drafting
- Nature & Animals
- 95049080
Vous trouverez ici nos nouveautés et nos retours en stock
- Maria Østby
- Kristian Amundsen Østby
- Gjermund Bohne
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 10+
- EN
- 20 min.
- 7090044377025
- Alion Games
- Gardlings
- 300 x 300 x 50 mm
- 0.825 kg
- 10.0
- 31.50 x 46.00 x 31.50 cm
- in October 2024
- Deck Building
- Tile Placement
- Push Your Luck
- Fantasy
- farming
- 1 rules
- 4 black cloth bags
- 3 and a half punch boards: Three of size 290x290 mm, and one of size 145x290mm
- 5 Zip lock bags
- 95049080
- Thomas Niesor
- Sophie Planchais
- Justine Vanhuffel
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- 15 min.
- 3770023705011
- Victoire Éditions
- 2024-10-04
- 125 x 125 x 40 mm
- 0.230 kg
- 12.0
- 2024, October 4th
- Push Your Luck
- Combos
- Fantasy
- 96 Cards (58x58mm)
- 21 Punch
- 1 Rule (12 pages)
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 12+
- EN
- 0 min.
- 658580754515
- B.A. Games
- Forges of Ravenshire
- 323 x 323 x 90 mm
- 2.880 kg
- 5.0
- 34.50 x 48.50 x 34.00 cm
- CN
- in August 2024
- Dice Rolling
- Victory Points as a Resource
- Contracts
- Fantasy
- Industry
- 52 CUBES (10mm)
- 186 TOKENS
- 95049080
- Cédric Millet
- Maxime Erceau
- Jérémie Fleury
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 30 min.
- 3760372234751
- Matagot
- Kyoto no Neko
- 2024-10-04
- 78 x 295 x 295 mm
- 1.860 kg
- 6.0
- 31.50 x 31.50 x 49.00 cm
- 2024, October 4th
- Dice Rolling
- dungeon crawler
- Nature & Animals
- childhood
- japan
- 95049080
- 0
- EN
- 0 min.
- 0652401970996
- Julibert Games
- We Can Play
- 105 x 135 x 25 mm
- 0.220 kg
- 0.0
- Questions
- timeline
- History
- 95049080
- Zach Weisman
- Michael Kindt Dalzen
- Ekaterina Chesalova
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- EN
- 40 min.
- 845866009060
- Guildhall Studios
- Sea of Legends
- 305 x 305 x 120 mm
- 2.640 kg
- 0.0
- narrative
- sea
- Pirates
- 95049080
- Ella Galang Ampongan
- Jim Byrkit
- Marie Brennan
- Orion Black
- Randall N. Bills
- Allie Bustion
- Brittanie "Bebo" Boe
- Ekaterina Chesalova
- Jakub Kacperski
- Ryan Lowe
- Tsipis Kypriotis
- Davi Cao
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 5
- 4
- 14+
- EN
- 40 min.
- 845866009053
- Guildhall Studios
- Sea of Legends
- 305 x 305 x 110 mm
- 2.200 kg
- 0.0
- Dices
- narrative
- sea
- Pirates
- 95049080
- Michael Kindt Dalzen
- Ryan Schapals
- Zach Weisman
- Jordan Weisman
- Aragorn Marks
- Brittanie "Bebo" Boe
- Ekaterina Chesalova
- Jakub Kacperski
- Ryan Lowe
- Tsipis Kypriotis
- 2
- 1
- 3
- 5
- 4
- 14+
- EN
- 40 min.
- 845866009046
- Guildhall Studios
- Sea of Legends
- 305 x 305 x 120 mm
- 3.020 kg
- 3.0
- 32.50 x 38.50 x 33.50 cm
- narrative
- sea
- Pirates
- 95049080
- Thomas Volpe
- Earl Aspiras
- Edu Valls
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- EN
- 90 min.
- 0754932984050
- Terminus
- 300 x 300 x 79 mm
- 2.180 kg
- 6.0
- 32.00 x 49.50 x 33.00 cm
- Worker Placement
- network building
- City Building
- 95049080
- Connie Vogelmann
- Clémentine Campardou
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- EN
- 0 min.
- 8550032180795
- Stonemaier Games
- Wyrmspan
- 250 x 120 x 30 mm
- 0.245 kg
- 40.0
- 29.00 x 33.00 x 23.60 cm
- in August 2024
- Draft
- Hand Management
- Once-Per-Game Abilities
- Track Movement
- Fantasy
- Dragons
- 25 Meat coins
- 25 Gold coins
- 25 Crystal coins
- 25 Milk coins
- 45 Metal coins
- 95049080
- 0 min.
- Turn Sideways Games
- Words of a Feather
- 100 x 60 x 100 mm
- 0.405 kg
- 10.0
- 31.50 x 38.50 x 26.50 cm
- 0 min.
- Turn Sideways Games
- Words of a Feather
- 100 x 60 x 100 mm
- 0.180 kg
- 5.0
- 31.50 x 38.50 x 26.50 cm
- Rusty Scioscia
- Sol Azpiroz
- 5
- 7
- 8
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 10+
- DE
- 15 min.
- Turn Sideways Games
- Words of a Feather
- 295 x 57 x 360 mm
- 1.525 kg
- 4.0
- 31.50 x 38.50 x 26.50 cm
- Rusty Scioscia
- Sol Azpiroz
- 5
- 7
- 8
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 10+
- FR
- 15 min.
- 197644290604
- Turn Sideways Games
- Words of a Feather
- 295 x 57 x 360 mm
- 1.525 kg
- 4.0
- 31.50 x 38.50 x 26.50 cm
- paper and pencil
- Nature & Animals
- 100 Turquoise Cards
- 100 Amethyst Cards
- 100 Ruby Cards
- 1 Ceramic Bowl
- 150 Point Gems
- 8 Dry Erase Markers
- 8 White Boards
- 1 Rule Book
- Rusty Scioscia
- Sol Azpiroz
- 5
- 7
- 8
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 10+
- EN
- 15 min.
- 197644971275
- Turn Sideways Games
- Words of a Feather
- 295 x 57 x 360 mm
- 1.270 kg
- 4.0
- 31.50 x 38.50 x 26.50 cm
- paper and pencil
- Glen Dresser
- Glen Dresser
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- EN
- 75 min.
- 627987651119
- Wheelhouse Games
- Transcontinental
- 325 x 105 x 200 mm
- 1.820 kg
- 6.0
- 31.50 x 41.00 x 34.00 cm
- Area Majority / Influence
- Worker Placement
- pick-up and deliver
- Industry
- train
- 0
- EN
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760372233488
- Matagot
- Takenoko
- 410 x 340 x 245 mm
- 7.650 kg
- 1.0
- 34.00 x 41.00 x 24.50 cm
- Tile Placement
- Contracts
- network building
- Nature & Animals
- 1 Livret de règles
- 28 Tuile
- 36 Sections vertes de bambou
- 30 Sections jaunes de bambou
- 24 Bâtonnets d'irrigation
- 9 Améliorations
- 46 Cartes objectif
- 4 Plateaux individuel
- 8 Pions d'action
- 1 Dé de météo
- 1 Figurine peinte de panda
- 1 Figurine peinte de jardinier
- 95049080
- Dávid Turczi
- David Chircop
- Daniela (iella) Attard
- Sami Laakso
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 4+
- EN
- 0 min.
- 9780985858094
- Petrichor
- 180 x 125 x 30 mm
- 0.294 kg
- 0.0
- CN
- Area Majority / Influence
- Hand Management
- Plateau modulaire
- farming
- Nature & Animals
- 95049080
- Anthony Giovannetti, Casey Yano, Gary Dworetsky
- Anailis Dorta, Bruce Brenneise, Jose David Lanza Cebrian
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- FR
- 30 min.
- 3760372233310
- Matagot
- Slay The Spire
- 110 x 235 x 110 mm
- 0.780 kg
- 0.0
- 4 Character Playmats
- 1 Deck Playmat
- 95049080
- Anthony Giovannetti, Casey Yano, Gary Dworetsky
- Anailis Dorta, Bruce Brenneise, Jose David Lanza Cebrian
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- FR
- 30 min.
- 3760372233303
- Matagot
- Slay The Spire
- 50.0
- 23.50 x 31.50 x 27.00 cm
- 95049080
- 0
- 0 min.
- 3760372233884
- Pendragon Game Studio srl
- Escape From New York
- 0.210 kg
- 0.0
- Bluff
- Tile Placement
- semi-cooperative
- adventure
- 95049080
- EN
- 0 min.
- 850050341093
- Necromolds LLC
- Necromolds
- 106 x 38 x 72 mm
- 0.112 kg
- 120.0
- 40.80 x 44.00 x 24.00 cm
- EN
- 0 min.
- 850050341055
- Necromolds LLC
- Necromolds
- 162 x 70 x 107 mm
- 0.292 kg
- 20.0
- 33.50 x 37.50 x 23.50 cm
- Dices
- Campagne
- miniatures
- EN
- 0 min.
- 850050341048
- Necromolds LLC
- Necromolds
- 162 x 70 x 107 mm
- 0.292 kg
- 20.0
- 39.00 x 43.00 x 51.00 cm
- CN
- Dice Rolling
- Campagne
- miniatures
- Fantasy
- War
- fight
- EN
- 0 min.
- 850050341031
- Necromolds LLC
- Necromolds
- 162 x 70 x 107 mm
- 0.292 kg
- 20.0
- 39.00 x 43.00 x 51.00 cm
- CN
- Dice Rolling
- Campagne
- miniatures
- Fantasy
- War
- fight
- EN
- 0 min.
- 850050341024
- Necromolds LLC
- Necromolds
- 162 x 70 x 107 mm
- 0.292 kg
- 20.0
- 33.50 x 37.50 x 23.50 cm
- Dice Rolling
- Campagne
- miniatures
- Fantasy
- War
- fight
- Kristian Østby
- Yan Moussu
- Yan Moussu
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 10+
- EN
- 15-0 min.
- 7090044370255
- House of Cats
- 200 x 200 x 45 mm
- 0.540 kg
- 6.0
- 22.00 x 32.00 x 22.00 cm
- in April 2024
- Roll & Write
- Nature & Animals
- 95049080
- Scott Allen Czysz
- Valentina Segovia
- 1
- 12+
- FR
- 30 min.
- 3760372230982
- Matagot
- Button Shy
- 2023-10-06
- 80 x 110 x 15 mm
- 0.050 kg
- 100.0
- 2024, May 3rd
- 0
- EN
- 0 min.
- 619264453202
- Summit
- 0.250 kg
- 0.0
- events
- network building
- adventure
- Nature & Animals
- 95049080
- Corentin Lebrat, Antoine Bauza
- Nicolas Fructus, Picksel, Yuio
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- 45
- 3760267990847
- Matagot
- Takenoko
- 2023-08-31
- 1.128 kg
- 10.0
- 26.00 x 31.00 x 30.50 cm
- CN
- in November 2023
- 95049080
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 4+
- EN
- 30 min.
- 758475367417
- 2 Handsome Games
- Hexagone
- 210 x 120 x 40 mm
- 0.457 kg
- Tile Placement
- Abstract
- Nick Little (I)
- Sydney Engelstein
- Kevin Riley
- Gong Studios
- Justine Nortjé
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- EN
- 0 min.
- 810017900367
- Action Phase
- Aeon's End
- 2023-01-20
- 280 x 200 x 100 mm
- 2.500 kg
- 0.0
- Deck Building
- Hand Management
- Fantasy
- 95049080
- Jay Cormier
- Shad
- Tyler Crook
- 3
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- EN
- 0 min.
- 627987406238
- Harrow County
- 1.760 kg
- 0.0
- in March 2024
- 95049080
- 0
- EN
- 0 min.
- 3760146644199
- Matagot
- Boomerang
- 0.050 kg
- 0.0
- Draft
- Roll & Write
- Travel and hobbies
- Geography
- 95049080
- EN
- 0 min.
- 3760251090928
- The Red Joker Games
- Altar
- 165 x 165 x 20 mm
- 0.570 kg
- 20.0
- 18.50 x 43.00 x 18.50 cm
- Religion
- Vasilis Patroulias
- Nicolas Jamme
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 14+
- EN
- 0 min.
- 3760251090805
- The Red Joker Games
- Altar
- 180 x 180 x 48 mm
- 0.570 kg
- GR
- 0 min.
- 3760251090812
- The Red Joker Games
- Altar
- 180 x 180 x 48 mm
- 0.570 kg
- 10.0
- 27.50 x 38.50 x 20.00 cm