- Jeremie Kletzkine
- Cari
- 9
- 5
- 7
- 8
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 14+
- EN
- FR
- 25 min.
- 3760372233969
- Matagot
- Millions of dollars
- 2024-08-30
- 166 x 126 x 45 mm
- 0.400 kg
- 10.0
- 26.50 x 28.00 x 20.00 cm
- CN
- 2024, August 30th
- Bluff
- hidden roles
- role playing
- Crime
- Heists
- Mystery
- 95049080
- Cardboard
Découvrez l'ensemble de nos univers de jeux de sociétés.
Une offre complète de Jeux d'ambiance, Jeux de Réflexion et Stratégie,
Jeux Experts, Jeux de Rôle, Jeux Enfants, Accessoires et Expérience Augmentée.
- Sébastien Dubois
- Yan Moussu
- Jérémy Masson, Yan Moussu
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 5
- 7
- 8
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 2
- 9
- 4+
- FR
- 25 min.
- 3760372233433
- Matagot
- Spot it ! (Trouve le)
- 2024-07-12
- 70 x 245 x 245 mm
- 0.794 kg
- 6.0
- 27.00 x 43.00 x 28.00 cm
- 2024, July 12th
- memory
- Rapidit
- Nature & Animals
- 192 cartes
- 6 plateaux
- 1 règles du jeu
- 95049080
- Yasutaka Ikeda
- 5
- 7
- 8
- 4
- 6
- 8+
- FR
- 30
- 3760146641914
- Matagot
- Shadow Hunters
- 2009-07-06 00:00:00
- 227 x 170 x 46 mm
- 0.562 kg
- 6.0
- 20.00 x 32.50 x 26.50 cm
- CN
- NO
- in September 2023
- Bluff
- hidden roles
- team
- vampire
- 95049080
- Friedemann Friese
- Harald Lieske
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- ES
- 25 min.
- 3760372233709
- Matagot
- Five Cucumbers
- 2025-01-24
- 120 x 95 x 20 mm
- 0.146 kg
- 12.0
- 2025, January 24th
- Trick Taking
- Elimination
- Abstract
- Nature & Animals
- 95049080
- Friedemann Friese
- Harald Lieske
- 5
- 7
- 8
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 6+
- FR
- ES
- 10 min.
- 3760372233716
- Matagot
- Fuji Flush
- 2024-10-11
- 120 x 95 x 20 mm
- 0.178 kg
- 12.0
- 27.50 x 11.00 x 13.00 cm
- 2024, October 11th
- Hand Management
- take that
- Abstract
- 95049080
- Friedemann Friese
- Harald Lieske, Marcel-André Casasola Merkle
- 1
- 12+
- FR
- 25 min.
- 3760372233693
- Matagot
- Friday
- 2024-07-12
- 130 x 130 x 40 mm
- 0.282 kg
- 12.0
- 2024, July 12th
- Hand Management
- Solo
- Push Your Luck
- adventure
- Pirates
- 95049080
- Friedemann Friese
- Harald Lieske
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- ES
- 25 min.
- 3760372233723
- Matagot
- FTW?!
- 2024-06-14
- 122 x 95 x 21 mm
- 0.136 kg
- 12.0
- 11.00 x 27.80 x 13.20 cm
- trick
- Abstract
- 95049080
- Thomas Dagenais-Lespérance
- Tatiana Boyko
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 8+
- EN
- FR
- ES
- DE
- 20 min.
- 8437022321707
- Islet
- 2024-03-22
- 225 x 225 x 60 mm
- 1.000 kg
- 24.00 x 38.50 x 24.00 cm
- in March 2024
- Area Majority / Influence
- Area Movement
- Worker Placement
- Scott Almes
- Kerri Aitken
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 8+
- EN
- FR
- 30'
- 3760146647084
- Grail Games
- Boomerang
- 2021-02-24
- 0.290 kg
- 12
- CN
- NO
- André Santos, Orlando Sá
- Tiago Lobo Pimentel
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- NL
- 30 min.
- 3760372233587
- Matagot
- Neotopia
- 2024-05-03
- 277 x 275 x 60 mm
- 1.542 kg
- 6.0
- 30.20 x 38.60 x 30.20 cm
- Action Points
- Hand Management
- Tile Placement
- City Building
- 95049080
- Mike Berg
- Marty Cobb
- 1
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- 20 min.
- 3760372232696
- Matagot
- Button Shy
- 2024-04-05
- 170 x 118 x 5 mm
- 0.058 kg
- 0.0
- in April 2024
- Set Collection
- Travel and hobbies
- Beach
- 95049080
- Bruno Faidutti
- Gjermund Bohne
- 5
- 7
- 8
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 2
- 8+
- EN
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760372232788
- Matagot
- Micro Game
- 2024-10-04
- 0.050 kg
- 0.0
- in October 2024
- Deduction
- Police and investigation
- 95049080
- Jan M Gonzalez
- Heiko Günther
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 30 min.
- 3760372232757
- Grail Games
- The Manhattan Project
- 2024-04-19
- 270 x 210 x 63 mm
- 1.630 kg
- 6.0
- 23.00 x 41.50 x 29.00 cm
- 2024, April 19th
- Dice Rolling
- Worker Placement
- War
- Industry
- 1 False
- 4 False
- 12 Achievement cards
- 21 Resource Cubes
- 12 Nation cards
- 60 Structure cards
- 20 Custom dice
- 30 Pollution tokens
- 24 Upgrade tiles
- Kristian Østby
- Yan Moussu
- Yan Moussu
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 10+
- EN
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760372232818
- Matagot
- House of Cats
- 2024-03-01
- 200 x 200 x 45 mm
- 0.540 kg
- 6.0
- 22.00 x 32.00 x 22.00 cm
- 2024, March 1st
- Roll & Write
- Nature & Animals
- 95049080
- Dustin Dobson, Milan Zivkovic
- Dustin Dobson, Milan Zivkovic
- 1
- 8+
- FR
- 15 min.
- 3760372232672
- Matagot
- Button Shy
- 2024-02-02
- 80 x 110 x 15 mm
- 0.060 kg
- 0.0
- 2024, February 2nd
- Hand Management
- Solo
- pattern recognition
- SciFi
- 95049080
- Eilif Svensson, Kristian Amundsen Østby
- Yan Moussu
- Gjermund Bohne, OffDutyNinja, Yan Moussu
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 10+
- EN
- FR
- 30 min.
- 3760372233273
- Matagot
- Trails of Tucana
- 2024-06-07
- 1.146 kg
- 6.0
- 30.00 x 37.50 x 31.00 cm
- 2024, June 7th
- Tile Placement
- variable setup
- Grid Coverage
- Nature & Animals
- Exotic
- 95049080
- 0
- EN
- FR
- DE
- 0 min.
- 6001651168914
- Pleasant Company
- Ancient Terrible Things
- 2024-03-01
- 315 x 225 x 35 mm
- 0.730 kg
- 10.0
- 24.50 x 39.00 x 33.50 cm
- in January 2024
- 95049080
- Simon McGregor
- Rob van Zyl
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 40 min.
- 3760372232184
- Matagot
- Ancient Terrible Things
- 2024-02-16
- 210 x 300 x 60 mm
- 1.500 kg
- 6.0
- 24.50 x 41.00 x 33.50 cm
- 2024, January 19th
- Fantasy
- Horror
- 95049080
- Rüdiger Dorn
- Andreas Resch
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- 30 min.
- 3760372232689
- Matagot
- Istanbul
- 2024-05-17
- 200 x 200 x 48 mm
- 0.558 kg
- 16.0
- 43.00 x 40.00 x 23.50 cm
- CN
- Gestion de main de cartes
- paper and pencil
- Moyen-Orient
- Turquie
- 95049080
- Adrian Adamescu, Daryl Andrews
- Peter Wocken
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 12+
- FR
- 45 min.
- 3760372232030
- Matagot
- Sagrada
- 2024-01-12
- 2.350 kg
- 0.0
- CN
- pattern building
- puzzle
- paper and pencil
- Grid Coverage
- Abstract
- architecture
- 95049080
- Philippe Attali
- Satoshi Matsuura
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 12+
- FR
- 30-45 min.
- 3760372231149
- Matagot
- Almost Innocent
- 2023-10-31
- 70 x 295 x 295 mm
- 1.370 kg
- 6
- 31.50 x 47.00 x 31.50 cm
- 2023, October 6th
- James A. Wilson
- Andrew Bosley, Cody Jones, Dann May
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- FR
- 40-80 min.
- 0610585962435
- Matagot
- Everdell
- 2021-12-15
- 297 x 297 x 71 mm
- 1.700 kg
- 6
- CN
- 0
- FR
- 0 min.
- 9782355745898
- Matagot
- Root
- 240 x 240 x 15 mm
- 0.589 kg
- 20.0
- 26.00 x 36.50 x 26.00 cm
- CN
- in October 2023
- Fantasy
- Nature & Animals
- 95049080
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760391550009
- Why Not Animation & Interaction
- L'incal Infini
- 2023-11-17
- 275 x 190 x 40 mm
- 0.444 kg
- 10.0
- Co-op
- adventure
- comic
- Andreas Müller, Markus Müller (II), Raphael Stocker
- Satoshi Matsuura
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 20-40 min.
- 3760372231415
- Matagot
- Hidden Leaders
- 2023-05-31
- 127 x 177 x 35 mm
- 0.260 kg
- 20.0
- 28.20 x 40.20 x 21.50 cm
- Deduction
- Treasons
- medieval
- 95049080
- Danny Devine
- Jason Tagmire
- Steven Aramini
- Danny Devine
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760372231927
- Matagot
- Button Shy
- 2023-11-03
- 0.050 kg
- 0.0
- 2023, December 1st
- tile placment
- farming
- City Building
- 95049080
- Yuri Zhuravljov
- Svetlana Pikul
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 20 min.
- 3760372231446
- Matagot
- Benevolent
- 2023-10-31
- 255 x 255 x 60 mm
- 1.100 kg
- 6.0
- 27.00 x 41.00 x 27.50 cm
- Area Majority / Influence
- Set Collection
- Abstract
- Nature & Animals
- 95049080
- Cédrick Chaboussit
- Anthony Questel
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 8+
- EN
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760372231934
- Matagot
- Secret Santa Pocket
- 2023-10-13
- 96 x 122 x 30 mm
- 0.100 kg
- 20.0
- 18.50 x 15.00 x 16.00 cm
- 2023, November 10th
- Deduction
- Bluff
- Mythology
- christmas
- Muneyuki Yokouchi (横内宗幸)
- Osamu Inoue (井上磨)
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- NL
- 30 min.
- 3760372231705
- Matagot
- Cat in the Box
- 2023-08-25
- 130 x 180 x 45 mm
- 0.402 kg
- 12.0
- 27.50 x 28.00 x 20.50 cm
- CN
- in January 2025
- Trick Taking
- Hand Management
- predictive bid
- Nature & Animals
- cat
- 95049080
- Geoffrey Wood
- Jiahui Eva Gao
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 45-60 min.
- 3760372231422
- Matagot
- Explorers of the Woodlands
- 2023-08-31
- 220 x 220 x 60 mm
- 0.980 kg
- 6.0
- 24.00 x 36.00 x 24.00 cm
- in January 2025
- Dice Rolling
- Fantasy
- Nature & Animals
- Danny Devine, Paul Kluka, Steven Aramini
- Danny Devine, Loïc Billiau
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- 15-20 min.
- 3760146649774
- Matagot
- Button Shy
- 2022-04-08
- 77 x 110 x 10 mm
- 0.054 kg
- 100.0
- 24.50 x 40.50 x 13.50 cm
- CN
- in February 2024
- Co-op
- closed drafing
- layering
- City Building
- Territory Building
- 1 livret de règles
- 18 cartes
- 0
- EN
- FR
- ES
- DE
- 0 min.
- 8437022321493
- Safari
- 31 x 102 x 150 mm
- 0.232 kg
- 36.0
- ES
- Real Time
- interrupts
- Nature & Animals
- 95049080
- Elizabeth Hargrave
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2-5
- FR
- 90'
- 3760146646940
- Matagot
- Wingspan
- 295 x 145 x 80 mm
- 0.680 kg
- 8
- NO
- Marc Paquien
- Jérémie Fleury
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 45-60 min.
- 3760146649149
- Matagot
- Peter Pan
- 1.530 kg
- 2
- 8+
- EN
- FR
- 10-30 min.
- 713929404100
- PureArts
- Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Orlog Dice Game
- 230 x 265 x 55 mm
- 0.700 kg
- 10
- CN
- NO
- Lukas Zach, Michael Palm
- Zapf
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 20-40 min.
- 3760146646841
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 296 x 296 x 70 mm
- 1.500 kg
- 6
- CN
- NO
- Jacob Westerlund, Pablo Jomer, Tove Jomer
- Emilie Vaccarini Francis, Niklas Wallén
- 3
- 4
- 2-5
- 14+
- DE
- FR
- EN
- IT
- 30-60 min.
- Curators
- 270 x 270 x 70 mm
- 1.300 kg
- 6
- NO
- Chris Leder, Ken Franklin
- 5
- 6
- 14+
- EN
- FR
- 843495100837
- Maple Games
- Imagineers
- 295 x 75 x 295 mm
- 0.350 kg
- 10
- NO
- 0
- EN
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760372235086
- Grail Games
- Aliens Attack!
- 6.0
- 2025, June 6th
- 95049080
- Michael O'Connell (II)
- David Gordon (I)
- Ana Maria Martinez Jaramillo
- Mesa Schumacher
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760372234836
- Matagot
- Finspan
- 6.0
- 31.10 x 45.20 x 31.80 cm
- 2025, March 7th
- Hand Management
- Once-Per-Game Abilities
- End Game Bonuses
- Nature & Animals
- Fish
- 95049080
- Thomas Nielsen
- Kai Starck
- Daniel Cunha
- Sara Stanoeska
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- FR
- 60 min.
- 753692052320
- Archona Games
- Pest
- 2024-10-18
- 300 x 300 x 100 mm
- 2.826 kg
- 5.0
- 31.50 x 52.50 x 31.50 cm
- 2024, October 18th
- Area Movement
- Action Points
- Placement d'ouvriers
- Civilization
- medieval
- 95049080
- Jason Tagmire, Mike Mullins
- Luke Milton
- 1
- 12+
- FR
- 15-30 min.
- 3760372231262
- Matagot
- Twin Stars Adventure
- 2023-06-16
- 117 x 91 x 30 mm
- 0.175 kg
- 20.0
- 18.50 x 41.50 x 16.00 cm
- 2023, October 27th
- Variable Player Powers
- Dice Rolling
- Push Your Luck
- adventure
- Cosmetics
- 95049080
- Adrian Adamescu
- Kristian Amundsen Østby
- Kjetil Svendsen
- Florin Purluca
- Reese Keef
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- EN
- FR
- 45 min.
- 3760372235444
- Alion Games
- Sparks
- 295 x 295 x 70 mm
- 1.240 kg
- 6.0
- 31.50 x 41.00 x 31.50 cm
- 2025, September 5th
- Variable Player Powers
- Draft
- 1 black cloth bag
- 20 cogs
- 20 lightning pieces
- 4 black cylinders
- 16 player markers
- 4 ziplock bags
- 40 plastic dice 12 mm
- 88 Cards
- 4 Punchboards
- 1 Rulebook
- 95049080
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760372234805
- Grail Games
- Aeterna
- 6.0
- 2025, June 13th
- Sergey Machin
- Dmitry Knorre
- Alexandra Karenskaya
- Maria Efremova
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 30 min.
- 3760372235208
- Kolossal Games
- Evolution
- 256 x 256 x 70 mm
- 6.0
- 2025, April 11th
- Hand Management
- Simulation
- Nature & Animals
- educational
- Environmental
- 95049080
- Marc André
- Bastien Jez
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 5
- 14+
- EN
- FR
- 60 min.
- 3760372235604
- Grail Games
- Barony
- 0.0
- CN
- in June 2025
- Area Movement
- Variable Player Powers
- Plateau modulaire
- Territory building
- Fantasy
- medieval
- 5 Player aids
- 1 Score board
- 1 Start player marker
- 9 Spell tiles
- 24 Hero cards
- 1 Deck box
- 100 Resource tokens
- 25 Control tokens
- 30 Magic tokens
- 50 Terrain tiles
- 5 Scoring tokens
- 10 Fortresses
- 70 Villages
- 25 Cities
- 35 Knights
- 2 Rulebooks EN & FR
- 95049080
- Cardboard
- Paper
- Wood