- Paolo Mori
- Lamaro Smith
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 45-60 min.
- 3760146642935
- Matagot
- Libertalia : Les Vents de Galecrest
- 2022-05-06 00:00:00
- 296 x 296 x 65 mm
- 2.080 kg
- 6.0
- en 2023
- collection
- simultaneous action
- take that
- Pirates
- 1 règle de jeu pour des parties en solo
- 1 règle de jeu de 2 à 6 joueurs
- 1 aide de jeu automa
- 39 cartes solo automa
- 4 tuiles butin automa
- 6 tuiles cimetière
- 6 jetons réputation
- 6 marqueurs de score sous forme de trésor
- 6 paquets de 40 cartes personnage
- 54 doublons
- 1 tuile aspirant de marine
- 7 tuiles butin
- 48 jetons butin
- 1 sac en tissu
- 1 plateau de jeu reco-verso
- Henry Audubon
- Fifty-Nine Parks Print Series
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 20-40 min.
- 3760146642706
- Matagot
- Parks
- 2021-11-12 00:00:00
- 121 x 165 x 44 mm
- 0.340 kg
- 30.0
- CN
- Track Movement
- Contracts
- Worker Placement
- adventure
- Nature & Animals
- Travel
- Franz-Benno Delonge, Phil WALKER-HARDING
- Beth Sobel
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 8+
- EN
- FR
- 30-45 min.
- 645249696777
- Grail Games
- Fjords
- 2022-04-29 00:00:00
- 210 x 270 x 63 mm
- 0.916 kg
- 6.0
- le 25 juillet 2022
- Area Majority / Influence
- chaining
- Nature & Animals
- City Building
- Vikings
- 1 livret de règles
- 67 tuiles hexagones
- 80 meeples viking en vois et en 4 couleurs
- 16 longhouses en bois et en 4 couleurs
- 28 ruines en carton
- Friedemann Friese
- Harald Lieske, Studio Matagot
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 12+
- FR
- 45 min.
- 3760372232856
- Matagot
- Black Friday
- 2024-02-09
- 275 x 190 x 70 mm
- 0.870 kg
- 6.0
- 20.00 x 42.50 x 29.00 cm
- le 9 février 2024
- simulation
- Professions
- Simon McGregor
- Rob van Zyl
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 40 min.
- 3760372232184
- Matagot
- Ancient Terrible Things
- 2024-02-16
- 210 x 300 x 60 mm
- 1.500 kg
- 6.0
- 24.50 x 41.00 x 33.50 cm
- le 19 janvier 2024
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Roberta Taylor
- Shawna J.C. Tenney
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- 45-75 min.
- 3760372231576
- Matagot
- Maple Valley
- 2023-09-29
- 215 x 295 x 62 mm
- 1.400 kg
- le 15 décembre 2023
- Hand Management
- collection
- Nature & Animals
- 0 False
- 14+
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760146649101
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 2022-05-27 00:00:00
- 1.500 kg
- CN
- Variable Player Powers
- take that
- role playing
- 14+
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760146649125
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 2022-08-05
- 0.250 kg
- CN
- Variable Player Powers
- take that
- role playing
- Fantasy
- adventure
- fight
- 14+
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760146649118
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 2021-10-15
- 0.300 kg
- CN
- Variable Player Powers
- take that
- role playing
- John Goodenough
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 120
- Disponible en juillet 2022
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 2022-07-22
- 194 x 130 x 38 mm
- 0.250 kg
- CN
- Variable Player Powers
- take that
- role playing
- Fantasy
- adventure
- fight
- John Goodenough
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 90-120 min.
- 3760146648180
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 2022-04-22 00:00:00
- 194 x 130 x 38 mm
- 0.284 kg
- Variable Player Powers
- take that
- role playing
- Fantasy
- adventure
- fight
- 14+
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760146649132
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 2022-05-20 00:00:00
- 0.823 kg
- Variable Player Powers
- take that
- role playing
- Fantasy
- adventure
- fight
- 14+
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760146647992
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 2022-06-24 00:00:00
- 0.214 kg
- Variable Player Powers
- take that
- role playing
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 2
- 5
- 14+
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760146647718
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 2022-05-13
- 0.806 kg
- Variable Player Powers
- take that
- role playing
- Fantasy
- adventure
- fight
- 14+
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760146648005
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 2022-04-15 00:00:00
- 0.792 kg
- Variable Player Powers
- take that
- role playing
- Fantasy
- adventure
- fight
- 14+
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760146647978
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 2022-07-29
- 74 x 296 x 296 mm
- 0.980 kg
- Variable Player Powers
- take that
- role playing
- John Goodenough
- Massimiliano Bertolini, Marjorie Davis, Ralph Horsley, Jeremy McHugh, WiL Springer, Sean Turtle, Teejay Ralph Villahermosa
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 90 min
- 3760146647398
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 2020-08-14
- 130 x 194 x 35 mm
- 0.260 kg
- 12.0
- CN
- Variable Player Powers
- take that
- role playing
- Fantasy
- adventure
- fight
- John Goodenough, Robert Harris
- Massimiliano Bertolini, Marjorie Davis, Ralph Horsley, Jeremy McHugh, WiL Springer, Sean Turtle, Teejay Ralph Villahermosa
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 90 min
- 3760146647381
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 2020-08-14
- 253 x 253 x 50 mm
- 0.780 kg
- 6.0
- CN
- Variable Player Powers
- take that
- role playing
- John Goodenough, Robert Harris
- Massimiliano Bertolini, Marjorie Davis, Ralph Horsley, Jeremy McHugh, WiL Springer, Sean Turtle, Teejay Ralph Villahermosa
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 90 min
- 3760146647336
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 11 septembre 2020
- 297 x 297 x 72 mm
- 1.760 kg
- 6.0
- CN
- en 2023
- Variable Player Powers
- take that
- role playing
- Fantasy
- adventure
- fight
- exploration
- Lukas Zach, Michael Palm
- Zapf
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 20-40 min.
- 3760146646841
- Matagot
- Talisman
- 2019-10-11
- 296 x 296 x 70 mm
- 1.500 kg
- 6.0
- 46.00 x 32.00 x 32.50 cm
- CN
- Co-op
- Variable Player Powers
- Deck Building
- Fantasy
- adventure
- Mauro Chiabotto
- Skeleton Crew
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 60-90 min.
- 3760146641891
- Matagot
- Last Aurora
- 2022-06-24 00:00:00
- 297 x 297 x 71 mm
- 1.350 kg
- 6.0
- CN
- Hand Management
- race
- Worker Placement
- SciFi
- Post-apocaliptic
- 1 pion automa
- 6 cartes action automa
- 1 plateau convoi automa
- 2 pions mine
- 1 carte mine
- 3 pions avalanche
- 10 pions point de passage spécial
- 10 pions contamination
- 40 pions dommage
- 8 pions cible
- 4 pions ordre du tour
- 4 pions renommée
- 4 jetons convoi
- 20 jetons survivant
- 34 jetons ressource
- 6 jetons objet
- 1 jeton Aurora
- 12 cartes résultat
- 6 cartes pillage
- 6 cartes ennemi
- 14 cartes objet
- 54 cartes exploration
- 12 cartes départ
- 4 plateau joueur
- 1 plateau route
- 1 livret de règles
- Roberta Taylor
- Shawna J.C. Tenney
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 5
- 8+
- FR
- 45
- 3760372230197
- Matagot
- Creature Comforts
- 2022-11-04
- 295 x 215 x 50 mm
- 1.522 kg
- 6.0
- CN
- collection
- Solo
- Draft
- Dices
- Nature & Animals
- 12 planches de multiplicateur
- 4 dés village
- 114 jetons matérieu
- 20 jetons histoire
- 21 jetons leçon apprise
- 20 pièces
- 4 jetons amélioration
- 34 cartes amélioration
- 1 tuile butte
- 1 cadran rivière
- 10 dés famille
- 20 maisons en bois
- 20 ouvriers
- 5 plateaux demeure
- 15 cartes voyageur
- 72 cartes confort
- 16 cartes vallée
- 1 pleateau de jeu
- Jeremie Kletzkine
- Cari
- 9
- 5
- 7
- 8
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 14+
- EN
- FR
- 25 min.
- 3760372233969
- Matagot
- Millions of dollars
- 2024-08-30
- 166 x 126 x 45 mm
- 0.400 kg
- 10.0
- 26.50 x 28.00 x 20.00 cm
- le 30 août 2024
- Bluff
- hidden roles
- role playing
- Crime
- Heists
- Mystery
- Miguel COIMBRA
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 14+
- EN
- FR
- DE
- 60 minutes
- 3760146649767
- Matagot
- Cyclades
- 2021-08-11
- 396 x 276 x 79 mm
- 2.030 kg
- 4.0
- 37.50 x 41.50 x 30.50 cm
- CN
- Area Majority / Influence
- Dice Rolling
- Area Movement
- auction
- Mythology
- Civilization
- Ancient
- City Building
- 10 pions offrande
- 80 figurines
- 52 cartes
- 10 métropoles
- 40 tuiles bâtiment
- 4 grandes tuiles Dieux
- 31 marqueurs
- 100 pièces d'or
- 2 dés spéciaux
- 1 plateau de jeu modulable
- 5 paravents
- 1 livret de règles
- Antonio Sousa Lara
- Miguel Coimbra
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 30 min.
- 3760372232832
- Matagot
- Gods Of Rome
- 2024-07-19
- 1.400 kg
- 6.0
- 31.50 x 47.00 x 31.50 cm
- le 19 juillet 2024
- Contrôle de zone
- action drafting
- Mythology
- War
- Ancient
- 95049080
- Kevin Wilson
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 40 min.
- 3760372232665
- Matagot
- Escape From New York
- 2024-06-14
- 293 x 293 x 70 mm
- 2.150 kg
- 0.0
- En vente le 14 juin 2024
- Bluff
- Tile Placement
- semi-cooperative
- adventure
- 95049080
- James A. Wilson
- Andrew Bosley, Cody Jones, Dann May
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 12+
- EN
- 40-80 min.
- 013964757521
- Starling Games
- Everdell
- 299 x 299 x 75 mm
- 1.740 kg
- 6.0
- 32.50 x 47.00 x 34.00 cm
- en février 2025
- collection
- Worker Placement
- Contracts
- Fantasy
- Nature & Animals
- City Building
- 20 galets
- 1 dé 8 faces
- 20 jetons occupés
- 30 jetons points
- 27 mini cartes
- 4 tuiles évenements
- 1 arbre Eternel
- 24 créatures en bois
- 25 résines
- 30 brindilles
- 30 baies
- 128 cartes superbement illustées
- 1 plateau de jeu
- 95049080
- Rüdiger Dorn
- Andreas Resch
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- 30 min.
- 3760372232689
- Matagot
- Istanbul
- 2024-05-17
- 200 x 200 x 48 mm
- 0.558 kg
- 16.0
- 43.00 x 40.00 x 23.50 cm
- CN
- Gestion de main de cartes
- paper and pencil
- Moyen-Orient
- Turquie
- 95049080
- André Santos, Orlando Sá
- Tiago Lobo Pimentel
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- NL
- 30 min.
- 3760372233587
- Matagot
- Neotopia
- 2024-05-03
- 277 x 275 x 60 mm
- 1.542 kg
- 6.0
- 30.20 x 38.60 x 30.20 cm
- Action Points
- Hand Management
- Tile Placement
- City Building
- 95049080
- Orlando Sá
- Mihajlo Dimitrievski
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 50 min.
- 3760146640092
- Matagot
- Celtae
- 2024-06-07
- 295 x 295 x 70 mm
- 1.660 kg
- 6.0
- 31.50 x 46.00 x 31.50 cm
- le 7 juin 2024
- Area Majority / Influence
- Hand Management
- Ancient
- City Building
- Erwann Ricord
- Roland MacDonald
- 2
- 10+
- EN
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760372232009
- Matagot
- Micro Game
- 2023-10-06
- 80 x 110 x 15 mm
- 0.060 kg
- 0.0
- Bluff
- Hand Management
- adventure
- American West
- 95049080
- Benjamin Schwer
- Dennis Lohausen
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- FR
- 60 min.
- 3760372233228
- Matagot
- Djinn
- 2024-05-24
- 314 x 227 x 76 mm
- 1.822 kg
- 6.0
- 46.50 x 24.50 x 33.50 cm
- le 24 mai 2024
- grid movement
- collection
- Plateau modulaire
- Fantasy
- 95049080
- Costa, Rôla
- Chema Román, Pedro Soto
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 30-60 min.
- 3760372231569
- Matagot
- Moesteiro
- 2023-07-03
- 295 x 295 x 70 mm
- 1.366 kg
- 6.0
- 31.50 x 46.00 x 31.50 cm
- Variable Player Powers
- Dice Rolling
- Worker Placement
- City Building
- medieval
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760391550009
- Why Not Animation & Interaction
- L'incal Infini
- 2023-11-17
- 275 x 190 x 40 mm
- 0.444 kg
- 10.0
- Co-op
- adventure
- comic